
Monday, November 7, 2011

Know DXN



  • In 1983, Dr. Lim Siow Jin started his research on Ganoderma and human health.
  • In 1993, authored the Ganotherapy after 10  years of extensive research on Ganoderma.
  • In 1994, established DXN Marketing (DXN Global) as the Founder and CEO.
  • In 1997, conferred with Ph.D. in Holistic Medicine by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicine.
  • In 2001, received BKM Award from Sultan Kedah of Malaysia.
  • In 2001, honored as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Chinese Youth of the Year by the Youth Association, Kedah, Malaysia.
  • In 2002, conferred with Doctorate of Science in Alternative Medicine by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicine.
  • In 2002, received the Millennium Award from the International Association of Educators for World Peace, in recognition of Dr. Lim's commitment to promote world peace and goodwill through holistic health and dedication to advance a healthy, strong and socially developed society.
  • In 2002, received the Albert Schweitzer Award from the Positive Life Foundation, for his exemplary humanism, untiring peace promotion efforts, and for his compassion in the spirit of the late Albert Schweitzer, the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize winner.
  • In 2002, received the Physician of the New Millennium Award from the Alternative Medicine Research Institute (Canada), for Dr. Lim's significant contribution to the health and well-being of humanity.
  • In 2002, received the Certificate of Appointment as Senior Visiting Professor (Natural Healing and Ganotherapy) from the Open International University of Alternative Medicine.
  • In 2002, received the Certificate of Fellowship from the World Health, Environment and Peace Foundation.
  • In 2004, received the Mother Teresa International Award from the Mother Teresa International & Millennium Award Committee under the auspices of All India Minority and Weaker Sections Council.
  • In 2005, Conferred with Datuk Setia Diraja Kedah (DSDK) Award by His Royal Highness Sultan of Kedah, Malaysia..
  • In 2006, the Golden Earth Award was presented to Dato Dr. Lim Siow Jin by the International Institute of Health Sciences, India for his contribution to mankind and for taking care of Mother Nature.
  • In 2007, received the Gold Badge Award - "Global Quality Management" from the Trade Leaders' Club and Editorial Office, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • In 2007, received New Millennium Award trophy during the 28th International Award for Technology and Quality.

1970 – China and Japan successfully planted Ganoderma in laboratory using spore separation cultivation method.
1975 – Commercial production in Japan.
1980 – Commercial production in Taiwan.
1983 – Commercial production in Malaysia.

Spore Separation Method
Using spore to reproduce. The disadvantage of this method is the instability in species control.

Tissue Culture Method
Exact reproduction of the mother plant, so the control of high quality species is possible. DXN is using this method of cultivation.

Organic Cultivation Method

1. 100% organic farming.
2. No chemical fertilizer, insecticide, hormone etc.
3. Highly nutritional cultivation method, using paddy, brown rice powder etc.

Company Experience

1. Highest therapeutic effect is obtained from Red Ganoderma.
2. Many species are developed from Red Ganoderma which is a common term for a family of gano species.
3. There are more than 200 species from the Red family.
4. 6 species have the highest therapeutic effect.
5. DXN’s Gano product is a combination of these 6 species.

Natural Concentration Method

1. Dehydration
Freeze and dry 5 kg (fresh) gano into 1 kg (dry).
2. Fibre Separation
Remove the less therapeutic fibre from the dried gano using a special technique developed by the company 4 kg. (dried) gano reduced to 1 kg. Total concentration 20:1.
3. Ultra-Violet Treatment
Treated with ultra-violet ray to enhance the therapeutic effect.
4. Micro Powderation
Crush hard cover of the spores and reduce them into micro size using a special technique developed by the company. All active ingredients of Ganoderma are conserved throughout the process.

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What Is Ganoderma?


Researchers have found that there are about 38000 varieties of mushrooms in whole of the world of which only 2000 mushrooms are edible/ eatable. Of these mushrooms, only 200 are such mushrooms which have some medicinal value but only six of these are of high medicinal importace (including Red Ganoderma).
DXN has made this GANODERMA by hybridizing/ combining these six most medicinal mushrooms.

## You must read about DXN GANODERMA and DXN HEALTH PRODUCTS and their effects on human body...

Download book from page "DOWNLOADS"of our website... (topmost links)

Ganoderma In The Hand of Chineeze Godess
Língzhī is the name for one form of the mushroom Ganoderma lucidum, and its close relative Ganoderma tsugae. Ganoderma lucidum enjoys special veneration in Asia, where it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 4,000 years, making it one of the oldest mushrooms known to have been used in medicine.

The word lingzhi, in Chinese, means "herb of spiritual potency" and has also been described as "mushroom of immortality". Because of its presumed health benefits and apparent absence of side-effects, it has attained a reputation in the East as the ultimate herbal substance. Lingzhi is listed in the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium.

Shen Nong's Herbal Classic, a 2000-year old medicinal Chinese text states "The taste is bitter, its energy neutral, it has no toxicity. It cures the accumulation of pathogenic factors in the chest. It is good for the Qi of the head, including mental activities... Long term consumption will lighten the body; you will never become old. It lengthens years."

Pen-ts'ao Kang-mu ("Great Pharmacopoeia"), a Chinese medical book published in the 16th century, also shows a possible link between modern research and folk knowledge when describing the Reishi mushroom: "It positively affects the Qi of the heart, repairing the chest area and benefiting those with a knotted and tight chest. Taken over a long period of time agility of the body will not cease, and the years are lengthened..."

Depictions of the Reishi mushroom as a symbol for health, are shown in many places of the Emperors residences in the Forbidden City as well as the Summer Palace.The Chinese goddess of healing Kuan Yin is sometimes depicted holding a Reishi mushroom.

Lingzhi research and therapeutic usage

Lingzhi may possess anti-tumor, immunomodulatory and immunotherapeutic activities, supported by studies on polysaccharides, terpenes, and other bioactive compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and mycelia of this fungus (reviewed by R. R. Paterson and Lindequist et al.). It has also been found to inhibit platelet aggregation, and to lower blood pressure (via inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme), cholesterol and blood sugar.

Laboratory studies have shown anti-neoplastic effects of fungal extracts or isolated compounds against some types of cancer. In an animal model, Ganoderma has been reported to prevent cancer metastasis, with potency comparable to Lentinan from Shiitake mushrooms.

The mechanisms by which G. lucidum may affect cancer are unknown and they may target different stages of cancer development: inhibition of angiogenesis (formation of new, tumor-induced blood vessels, created to supply nutrients to the tumor) mediated by cytokines, cytoxicity, inhibiting migration of the cancer cells and metastasis, and inducing and enhancing apoptosis of tumor cells.

Additional studies indicate that ganoderic acid has some protective effects against liver injury by viruses and other toxic agents in mice, suggesting a potential benefit of this compound in the treatment of liver diseases in humans, and Ganderma-produced sterols inhibit lanosterol 14α-demethylase activity in the biosynthesis of cholesterol . Ganderma compounds inhibit 5-alpha reductase activity in the biosynthesis of dihydrotestosterone.

Besides effects on mammalian physiology, Ganoderma is reported to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral activities. Ganoderma is reported to exhibit direct anti-viral with the following viruses; HSV-1, HSV-2, influenza virus, vesicular stomatitis. Ganoderma mushrooms are reported to exhibit direct anti-microbial properties with the following organisms; aspergillus niger, bacillus cereus, candida albicans, and escherichia coli.

As weight loss aid
Some oriental preparations containing Lingzhi extract are marketed as a weight loss aid. They are advertised as a "slimming formula" in Japanese markets and Lingzi is combined with other herbal extracts. Research is scarce to show the validity of these claims in terms of Lingzhi as a weight loss aid.

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As our body is made from trillions of cells (cells -> tissues -> organs -> human body) and it is the smallest unit of a human body, consuming Ganoderma works on Cells of our body but not on a specific disease and makes it healthy...
"GANODERMA is for Health,  whereas DRUGS are specific to Diseases or Symptoms"


Ganotherapy in general
In the world today, majority of the population are in the state of 'pre-illness' due to environmental pollution, stresses and unhealthy lifestyle such as consuming diets which are high in fats, cholesterol, sugar, salt and chemical additives. Under these circumstances, it is wise to prevent any deterioration in health rather than seek a cure after illness prevails as the saying goes: “Prevention is better than cure.”
Ganotherapy is one of the holistic approached to alternative complementary medicine. The underlying belief is that our body is the best doctor. Our body immune system when at its optimum condition is able to fight numerous diseases at one time, knowing the priority and without having side effects. All we see or feel is the reactions as it gets rid of the toxins and cure the illnesses. In Ganotherapy, it uses Ganoderma extracts from the fruit body and its mycelium to gain health.

The 4 basic principles of Ganotherapy are:
1. Illnesses are caused by 2 sources; Toxins in our body and disharmony in body functions.
2. Ganoderma does not cure illness, but it helps to balance up our body system and improve immunity against diseases.
3. Any reaction that takes place is caused by our body system and not by the intake of Ganoderma.
4. The dosage of Ganoderma taken is irrelevant to diseases.

Stages in Ganotherapy
There are several stages in Ganotherapy .

Stage 1: Scanning (1-30 days)
Ganoderma helps to regulate the body functions. During the initial intake, the scanning effect will reflect in several reactions of the body, through which we may identify the ailing areas of the body.

Stage 2: Cleansing –Detoxification (1-30 weeks)
1. Uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat and calcium deposit, bad tissue and other chemicals
accumulated in our body are toxins
2. The toxins are removed from our body by:
>> Sweating
>> The circulation system (Kidney & liver) and then discharged from the body through urination and stool.
>> Boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge.

Stage 3: Regulating (1- 12 months)
1. Balancing effect of Ganoderma helps to regulate the body functions.
2. Many reactions can be observed during regulation. This is a sign that the body is healing and one should not worry about it.
3. One should continue to consume Reishi Gano (RG).
4. If the reaction is too vigorous, reduce the dosage and/or increase intake of Ganocelium (GL)
5. After the reaction in reduced or over, resume normal dosage. The reaction may come back but proceed with the dosage.

Stage 4: Building (6 -24 months)
1. This is the process of building and healing body parts that have sustained injuries or damage.
2. Strengthening the immune system, improving physical strength and mental calmness and creating more resistance to diseases.
3. Supplying essential elements to the body, such as minerals and triterpenoid for the recovery of bodily functions.

Stage 5: Regenerating (1 – 3 years)
1. This is the ultimate aim of Ganotherapy.
2. It is the process whereby our body is functioning at its optimum level and has a rejuvenating effect (restore youthful appearance, strength and peace of mind).

Benefits of Using Ganoderma
Beauty is Skin-Deep! But Health is Cell-Deep!!
Gano works at Cell Level on the entire body.
Gano protects body from Diseases as well as Disorders.
Gano gives Health, Vigour & Vitality.
Gano reduces stress; retards ageing process and increases life span.
Gano is effective for all age groups from Womb to Tomb!
Gano suits anybody and everybody.
Gano has no interaction with other lines of treatment. It complements the same.
Gano overcomes the side-effects of other medications and relieves the patients.
No diet restriction. Liberal dosage schedule; Mega dosages not harmful at all.
No Side Effects! No Addiction!!
Gano is for everybody Healthy as well as Unhealthy.

We are undergoing a HEALTH REVOLUTION. People all over the world are increasingly becoming more conscious about their own health and the responsibility to maintain it. With this increased consciousness, the demand for natural foods, herbal medicines and nutraceuticals is growing dramatically. Few of these are;
Ganoderma Lucidum
• Spirulina
• Morinzhi

GANODERMA LUCIDUM: It is also known as Lingzhi, Reishi, Chaga, Mushroom. It is the first A-one superior medicine describe in the Seng Nong’s Herbal Classic. It is also described as Chatrak Chikitsa in Charak Sahinta.

Ganoderma’s miraculous remedy for a variety diseases e.g. Anemia, Asthma, Alcoholic, Accidental/Internal Injuries, Arthirities, After Operation Problem, Cancer, Brain Tumour, Infertility, Diabetes, Depression, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Eczema, Gallstone, Gastric, Ulcers, HIV, Hepatitis, Heart Problems, Hong Kong Foot, Breast Cancer, Hair Falling, Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Kidney Failure, Obesity, Piles, Skin Problem, Women Problem, Tiredness, Mumps, Menstrual Irregularities, Sterility, Under-developed Children etc. was listed “Number one of the Superior Oriental Medicines” and was the most exalted medicine in ancient times. As recorded in the oldest Chinese Seng Nong’s Herbal Classic text Ganoderma is the “King of the Herb”.

• It is an Anti oxidant.
• It is an Adaptogen.
• It is Non Toxic.

Ganoderma have more then 200 medicinal elements. Few of them are;
1. Polysaccharides
2. Organic Germanium
3. Adenosine
4. Triterpinoides
5. Ganoderic Essence

Ganoderma’s effectiveness as health food and as a highly potent medicine have been demonstrated by over 30 years of modern scientific research in Japan, Taiwan, China, USA, Canada, and Poland, backed by 5000 years of accumueated experience. All observations show that ganoderma has no side-effects and can be consumed in high dosages and in parallel in high dosages with other medications.
Its main properties are cleansing of blood, enhancement of immune system and lessening of nervous tension. These properties are conductive to normalizing and balancing the body and as a result prompt cure, a multitude of diseases from with in. Hence, the new medical concept of “Adaptogen” stands good to the medicinal properties of Ganoderma.
The above fact has been emphasized by Dr. Lim Siow Jin, PhD in Holistic Medicine, founder and CEO of DXN Marketing Sdn. Bhd. a Malaysian ganoderma company.
He was interviewed by a TV channel and to the anchor’s question he narrated: “Ganoderma does not cure by itself any disease of the body, but it is the body which cures all disease when it was cleansed, regulated, rebuilt and rejuvenated and brought to a balanced condition after the oral administration of ganoderma”.

SPIRULINA: Spirulina is a blue green algae belongs to the plant food group, Spirulina is often described as a Superfood as it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrient known in any food, plant, grain or herb. It is the highest protein food contains over 60% of digestible vegetable protein.
The dietary composition and active ingredients of DXN Spirulina as follows;

Proteins : Essential Amino Acids (60% - 65%)
Carbohydrates : Polysaccharides, Glycogen (15%)
Fats : Essential Fatty Acids, like GLA (5%-8%)
Vitamins : B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Others (0.75%)
Minerals : Iron, Magnesium, Calcium
Trace Elements : Potassium, Selenium etc. in colloidal form(8%)
Natural Pigments: Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll, Xanthophyll, Beta Carotenes

• Spirulina strengthing the immune system.
• It is zero cholesterol food.
• Spirulina improving gastrointestinal and Digestive health.
• It act as a natural cleansing and detoxification.
• It is better antioxidant protection, reducing cancer risk.

Spirulina is one of the first photosynthetic life forms designed by nature 3.6 bilions years ago.
Spirulina was officially announced in the International Protein of Micro-Organism Conference.
The Food and Aggriculture Organisation (FAO) conference has declared Spirulina as “The best Food for Tomorrow”.
Spirulina was recognized by FDA of the United States as an excellent Nutritional Supplement.
Spirulina won “The Best Natural Food” award in the international food Expo in West Germany.
At present Spirulina is widely used in Japan, US, Europe, India and many more country of the world.

MORINZHI: Morinzhi is the pangent amber juice that remains at the top, abstracted from a tropical fruit called Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) is consumed daily for more than 2000 years by ancient Polynesian Cultures, as a prophylactic to enhance over all vitality and well being and a staple food choice for them.
Grown in natural tropical forests worldwide, Morinda Citrifolia, rich in more than two hundred natural enzymes, has been used to support the entire body treating a wide range of symptoms including Poor Digestion, High Blood Pressure, Respiratory problems and Immune Deficiencies.
Morinzhi works to correct problems with the structure of cells and saves our body by giving us the nutrients we need. It is invaluable as a “Healing Herb”.

Morinzhi made from Morinda Citrifiola has been shown to strengthen the following body structure;
1) Immune System
2) Skeletal System
3) Skin Diseases
4) Urinary System
5) Nervous System
6) Endocrine System.

Morinzhi is a natural antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-congestive and analgesic.
Morinzhi can be taken with other medication. As an Adaptogen, Morinzhi brings the body into more normal balance. It actually improves the efficiency of the medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has listed Morinda Citrifolia as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe).

CONCLUSION: Genoderma, Spirulina and Morinzhi are to be consumed as a Co-active therapy in addition to the medical treatment which ever be the line of medicine. All these herbs are quite safe to patients, even on long term consumption and even at higher dosage of consumption. Major organs like the liver, take a long time to recover due to their bio-complexity.
Now all of these natural herbs are available in one roof by DXN Marketing Sdn. Bhd. a multinational Malaysian based company, founded by Dr. Lim Siow Jin (PhD in Holistic Medicine) in 1993. The Products manufactured by this company are presently consumed in more than 55 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, UAE, USA, Hong Kong, India, New Zeeland, Thailand, Australia, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Canada, Nepal, China, Kenya, Mexico etc. etc.
The effectiveness of the products has been well attested by more than 500000 members comprising various ethical groups throughout the world.
In case due to any reason, you are not in a position to take advantage of DXN products, just pass on this message to your other friends/relatives etc. so that they can get rid of the ailments. They will always bless you for this act on your part.




Morinda Citrifonia also know as “queen plants” has the widest of medical application. Morinda citrifolia or mengkudu has been admitted as a remarkable healing agent, since 2000 years ago. It is improved blood circulation, used ability to kill pain. Scientific studies discovered morinda citrifolia has the ability to regulate immune system, it is seems to be the most important discovery in 21st century.
Morinzhi, made by DXN from selected mengkudu which rich in vitamin C (adding roselle fruit). This product absolutely free from preservaties, colouring  and other artificial flavours. Proxeronine is an alkaloid constituent found in morinda citrifolia which many prompt the product of xeronine in the body.   A precursur of seronine – proxeronine initiates the release of xeronine in the intestinal tract after it comes in contact with a specific enzymes, this particular chemical combination is believe to significantly affect cellular function, regenerate and widespread health implications.

Morinda Citrifolia comes with many names which are Great Morinda, Indian Mulberry, Tahitian Noni, Beach Mulberry, Noni or even Mengkudu known by Malaysians.

We have recently discovered that Noni stimulates two major hormones called serotonin and melatonin. The pineal gland controls the 5 major other glands below it which are:
Endocrine System
  1. The thyroid which produces thyroxine to energize our cells
  2. The thymus (immune system control centre) which protects us against infections and cancer
  3. The pancreas which is invoved with blood sugar and secreting hormone insulin
  4. The adrenal gland which responds everytime you are under stress
  5. The first gland is the male and female sex organs and their hormones.
In ancient terms, the pineal gland was called the sixth gland of the body. Hence by restoring the sixth gland, the pineal gland, it will have an impact on all those other glands and their functions in the body. When the pineal gland is at its peak performance, it turns a golden colour and emits a black fluid. The black fluid would be the melanin colour of the organs and every other area of the body which has pigments.

The back of the eye has a black area called the macula which is pigmented with melanin. That is the area the light hits when your eyes open. Many people have difficulty with their eyesight (e.g. blindness, short-sighted and far-sighted and astigmatism) because one of the cause is that the pigment at the macula is degenerating. Research has been found that DXN Morinzhi makes the macula generate more pigment and the cells begin to return to normal and hence reverses the blindness itself.
Disease related to pineal gland leads to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Appropriate function of the pineal gland is important in restoring those cells, and we are seeing patients reversing some of their neurological problems because DXN Morinzhi is stimulating the production of chemical essential to those areas of the brain.
The pancreas is also affected by DXN Morinzhi: the blood sugar and blood pressure begin to normalize. The pineal gland affects the different organs all the way down to the first gland, the male and female sex organs, and people are noticing for example that their prostate glands are beginning to shrink down to normal size once they have been on DXN Morinzhi for a short period of time. Women who have problems with their uterus or with fibriods, are noticing that the fibroids are beginning to disappear, that their menstruation is beginning to normalize, they have less cramps and their bleeding problems become more in balance.

Body Care


This Product From DXN comes as a Toothpaste but Has Many Uses On Every Part Of The Body As follows....

1) A little amount of paste with 2-3 drops of water applied on any external body part having pain gives miraculous results.
2) Removes dandruf if applied as shampoo. Reduces hair fall, and effective for the growth of hairs. If applied twice in a week, reduces prematured whitening of hairs and makes them soft & shiny.
3) If applied as facial/ face pack it improves beauty, removes dark circles, increases fairness.
4) Cure pain & throat swelling, mouth ulcers & cough.
5) If taken it relieves from gastric, acidity, vommiting, nausea.
6) Can be taken by nose in cold.
7) Relieves joint pains.
8) Can be used as shaving cream.
9) Effective in skin diseases.
10) Effective in piles.
11) Relieves from back ache.
12) Effective in any kind of mouth problem including bad breath, yellowish teeth, pyorrhoea.
13) Can be applied as a cream on cracked heels.



Being a Super Food, Spirulina Contains all the Dietary components in optimum proportion to nourish our Growth and Development. At the same time, it helps to keep our body in a perfect state of balance. The dietary composition and active ingredients of Spirulina are as follows :
Proteins :
Essential Amino Acids (60% - 65%)
Carbohydrates : Polysaccharides, Glycogen (15%)
Fats : Essential Fatty Acids, like GLA (5% - 8%)
Vitamins :  B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Others (0.75%)
Minerals & Trace Elements : Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium,(8%) Selenium etc. in collodial form
Natural Pigments : Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll, Xanthophyll, Beta Carotene

Health  benefits of Spirulina:

  • Growth and development
  • Energy Booster
  • Strengthening Immune System
  • Zero Cholesterol Food
  • Improving Gastrointestinal and digestive health
  • Enhancing Natural Cleansing and Detoxification
  • Better Antioxidant protection, reducing cancer risk
  • Slimming and weight loss


Some Asked Questions About DXN Spirulina

What is Spirulina?
Spirulina is a blue-green algae, which gets its name from its spiral shape. It contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb.

What does Spirulina contain?It is the highest protein food- over 60% all digestible vegetable protein. Spirulina is loaded with unique phytonutrients like phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids that enhance the immune system, possibly reducing risks of infection, cancer and auto immune disease. Rich in natural carotenoid, antioxidants that promote cellular health and reduce the risk of cancer. It has chlorophyll which helps detoxify our bodies of ever present pollution. It also contains iron, trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid.

Spirulina is safety algae is it?
Spirulina is unique among blue-green algae because it has a long history of safe use. The Aztecs consumed Spirulina in Mexico over five centuries ago. Indigenous people consume Spirulina growing in African Lakes today. For the past 20 years, millions of people around the world have enjoyed it as a safe food supplement. In fact, the United Nations and the World Health Organization recommend Spirulina as safe and nutritious for children.

Isn't Spirulina one of the most productive foods in the world?
Spirulina offers more nutrition per acre than any other food. It delivers 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans, 200 times more than beef. By growing more Spirulina, we can help stop cutting the last original forests to grow food. By bringing it into our personal lives, we become part of the solution to improve the health of our planet.

How does Spirulina benefit the human body?Spirulina contains all the nutrients that the human body needs. A deficiency of any of these nutrients would compromise the proper functioning of our body. There are several peer reviewed scientific studies about Spirulina's ability to inhibit viral reproduction, strengthen both the cellular and the immune system, and cause regression and inhibition of cancers.

Is there actual scientific evidence of all these claims?
Yes. Scientists around the world - in Japan, China, India, Europe, Russia and the USA - are discovering the importance of Spirulina, how and why Spirulina is so effective for humans' and animals' health. Hundreds of published scientific studies reveal how Spirulina and its unique phytonutrients boost the immune system and improve health.

How does Spirulina strengthen our immune system?
Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system. The phytonutrients,responsible for strengthening the immune system are beta carotene, phycocyanin and polysaccharides. Published studies from all over the world feeding mice, hamsters, chickens, turkeys, cats, fish and even humans, confirm Spirulina improves immune system function. Medical scientists discovered that it not only stimulates the immune system, it actually enhances the body's ability to generate new blood cells. Important parts of the immune system, bone marrow stem cells, macrophages, T-cells and natural killer cells, spleen and thymus glands - all show enhanced activity. Scientists observe Spirulina causes macrophages to increase in number, become activated and more effective in killing germs.

How does Spirulina enhance cardiovascular health and help lower cholesterol?
Animal nutrition studies in Mexico, Argentina, Japan and India found the same cholesterol lowering benefits and an improvement in heart artery function for lower blood pressure. Published scientific studies with men in Japan and India showed several grams of Spirulina daily can lower cholesterol. These studies suggest spirulina will reduce serum LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins - the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (High Density Lipoproteins - the good cholesterol).
Human studies in Germany and India found a weight reduction effect along with cholesterol reduction. All these studies indicate Spirulina is a useful supplement for cardiovascular health and for lowering cholesterol.

How digestible is spirulina?
Spirulina builds soft cell walls from a network of proteins, polysaccharides and enzymes. It just melts away inside your body. This is important for those who suffer from poor digestion, or for older people with restricted diets.

Enzymes are important. How can Spirulina build our body's enzyme system?
Enzymes in our bodies digest our food, cut, paste and repair our DNA and power our critical body systems. It's always good to enhance our diet with raw foods like fresh fruit, vegetables and juices, which are rich in natural living enzymes. Dehydrated super foods like Spirulina still have natural enzymes present. More importantly, Spirulina has building blocks such as minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants and polysaccharides that trigger our bodies own enzyme systems to flourish and perform their many tasks.

How does Spirulina help in weight loss?
Owing to the amino acids contained within, Spirulina helps to suppress hunger and increase metabolism. Together with the high density of other nutrients, Spirulina helps to naturally suppress the appetite, thus permitting healthy weight loss.

How chlorophyll in Spirulina benefit people?Chlorophyll in Spirulina helps to sanitize the bowel by detoxifying and cleansing the colon and intestines. In addition, the chlorophyll helps to coat the irritable stomach lining, thus aiding the relieve symptoms of gastric ulcers and inhibit ulceration. It also acts as a functional food, feeding beneficial intestinal bacteria, especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus. By maintaining a healthy population of these bacteria, Spirulina reduces digestion and constipation problems caused by pathogens like E.coli and Candida.

Can Spirulina balancing body with good health?
It grows in very alkaline waters. It is considered an alkaline food, and will help your body toward more alkalinity. Its a great balancer for any diet filled with acidic foods like sugar, coffee, soda, alcohol or meat. A balanced system will strengthen your health and increase resistance to disease.

How is DXN Spirulina different from other Spirulina's sold in the market?
a)Selection of high quality strain of DXN Spirulina
b)Organically cultivated in clean ponds
c)Total quality management from cultivation to finish goods.
d)Produced by Good Manufacaturing Practice (GMP) certified factory with exclusive
laboratory and state-of-art equipment.
e)Advanced technology processing that preserves the nutrients.
f)Without any chemical additives and preservatives.
g)100 % plant product
h)Halal certified
i)Easily digested and absorbed by the body.
j)Suitable for all ages and for long term consumption
k)Extremely easy to consume

Who should take DXN Spirulina?
DXN Spirulina is great for people of all ages, including children.

Is DXN Spirulina suitable for pregnant women?
DXN Spirulina is a safe product to be consumed for everyone even during pregnancy. However, pregnant women may also consult a physician before taking DXN Spirulina.

Is DXN Spirulina suitable for vegetarians?Yes, our DXN Spirulina is cultivated organically and is grown completely without the use of animal nutrients. It is therefore an ideal health supplement for vegetarians.

Is DXN Spirulina addictive?
No. The ingredients in DXN Spirulina are nutrients. DXN Spirulina is considered a food by your body. It is no different than eating vegetables and fruits. A person will not be addicted to DXN Spirulina.

Is there a limit to the intake of DXN Spirulina?No. It is recommended for an average healthy person to take 6 tablets or one sachet daily to maintain health. DXN Spirulina is also safe to be taken with other DXN products.

If I have been consuming DXN Spirulina for some time, would there be any adverse effects if I stopped taking the product?No. The ingredients in DXN Spirulina provide nutrients needed by your body. If you stop taking the product, there would be no adverse effects, you just simply denying your body the nutrients it provides.

Does consuming DXN Spirulina cause any side effect?No. DXN Spirulina is totally natural. It is free of preservatives, artificial coloring, flavorings, pesticide and synthetic ingredients. It is a gentle tonic suitable for long term consumption by all ages and for all seasons with no contra-indications and adverse side effects.

REISHI GANO (RG): Fruit Part / GANOCELIUM (GL): Root Part

REISHI GANO (RG): Fruit Part

It is a kind of mushroom essence (ganoderma lucidum) widely known as “King of Herbs” because it has more than 200 active elements that are good for our body.

It is effective in:
  1. Scanning diseases
  2. Cleansing toxin
  3. Regulating body functions
  4. Ensuring recovery of health
  5. Preserving youthfulness
  1. Polysaccharides
  2. Organic germanium
  3. Adenosine
  4. Ganoderic Essence
  5. Protein
  6. Fiber
    RG contains more than 200 active elements Which can be divided into three categories Including 30% of water soluble elements, 65% of Organic soluble elements and 5% of volatile elements.
Important Active Elements:-

A. Polysaccharides (THE CLEANSER)
  1. Strengthen the natural healing ability of the body.
  2. Reduce blood sugar levels and assist pancreas functions.
  3. Help to cleanse toxic deposits from the body (detoxification).
  4. Strengthen cell membrane.
  5. Increase the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells.
B. Organic Germanium (THE BALANCER)    - Partially Soluble
  1. Increases the oxygen content in the body..
  2. Regulates the balance of electrical charges in the body (Electrical Charge Balancer).
  3. Removes abnormal electrical charges found around abscess cells.

A. Adenosine (THE REGULATOR)
  1. Lower cholesterol level in the blood and the amount of free fat.
  2. Lower the level of blood lipid and stabilize red cell membrane
  3. It can lower the level of platelets agglutination and enhance thrombolysis.
  4. Improve the function of the cortex of the adrenal glands to maintain endocrine balance.
  5. Regulate the metabolism for a youthful and energetic feeling.
  6. Balance the ph of the blood.
B. Triterpenoids (THE BUILDER)
  1. Bitter in taste.
  2. Enhance digestive system.
  3. Prevent allergy caused by antigens because it inhibits the histamine releasing mast cells.
  4. Reduce cholesterol and neutral fat in the body.
  5.  Activate the nucleus of body cells.

A. Ganoderic Essence (THE REGENERATOR)
  1. Can overcome skin diseases.
  2. For beautification of skin.
  3. Can be used for external application on skin diseases, mouth ulcer and external wound (Also to stop bleeding).
  4. Rejuvenates the body tissue.

Effects of RG
* RG is a scanner (1-30 days). RG has the wider range of scanning because it contains all the natural elements of Gano water soluble, organic soluble and volatile elements.

* RG does functions like cleansing and detoxification (1-30weeks). RG removes toxins such as uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposit, calcium deposit, bad tissue and chemical accumulation through 1) sweating 2) urination and stool 3) boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge.

* RG is a regulator (1-12months). After the toxin removal from the body, RG exerts a balancing effect to restore the body function to normal.

* RG is a builder (6-24 months). RG builds and heals body parts that are injured or damaged. It strengthens the body; immune system, restores mental calmness and gives more resistance to disease.

* RG supplies essential elements such as Minerals and Triterpenoides for the recovery of body function.

* RG is a regenerator (1-3years). It ensures our body is functioning at its optimum level, which is actually a rejuvenating effect and thus restores youthful appearance, strength and peacefulness of mind.


It is the mycelium of ganoderma lucidum. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as an oxygen supplier.

1. Polysaccharide
2. Organic germanium
3. A whole spectrum of vitamins
4. A whole spectrum of minerals
The content of polysaccharide and organic germanium are four times more than that of reishi gano.

1. Strengthen body resistance.
2. Cleanse toxins out of the body.
3. Provide full range of vitamins and minerals.
4. Helps to maintain a healthy gastric and renal system.

1. Helps to stabilize and strengthen the body’s resistance system.
2. Reduces sugar levels in the blood and revives the pancreatic function.
3. Prevents the destruction of cell tissues.
4. Discharges water soluble toxins.

1. Increases oxygen supply to the blood system.
2. Revives cell tissues by increasing the oxygen supply to the body’s organs.
3. Relieves fatigue.
4. Cleanses the blood system.
5. Strengthens the circulation of the blood supply.
6. Increases the body’s rate of metabolism.
7. Stabilizes the blood pressure.
8. Stabilizes the electric function in the body.
9. Helps patients to recover from stroke.
10. Prevents numbness in the hands and legs.
11. Eliminates water soluble toxins.

Effects of GL
1. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and provides the basis for body growth.

2. Through its polysaccharide content, GL effectively prevents growth of abnormal cells and controls their spread.

3. Helps in strengthening the body immune system.

4. Reduces sugar level in blood and revives pancreas function.

5. Discharges water-soluble toxins.

Through Organic Germanium
* It increases oxygen supply to blood circulation
* It revives cell tissues by increasing oxygen supply to body oxygen
* Relieves fatigue
* Cleanses blood
* Serves as a brain tonic and
* Stabilizes the nervous system
* Stabilizes blood pressure
* stabilizes electrical function in the body & 9) It eliminates water soluble toxins.

According to a report from Japan, GL contains 6000 parts of Organic germanium per million (PPM) whereas RG has 800-2000 PPM of Organic germanium. Thus it increases the hemoglobin content of oxygen by 1.5 times.
Thus both RG & GL should be used together for comprehensive results.It's always recommended that they are taken as a pair.

DXN Products

DXN Products are Food Supplements, Not Medicines !!!
These products are of high quality which ensure sound health to a healthy person by preventing diseases and assisting a sick person in combating his illness and achieving quick recovery. Since these are only "Food Supplements", the patient is advised to continue his normal medicines along with these food supplements to find improvement in his sickness.

Ganoderma Changes Lives . . . . . . Naturally

Composite Kit

Composite Kit contents:
RG 30
GL 30
Tea 100 gms
Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1 - 10 sachets
Gano Massage Oil
Ganozhi Tooth paste
Ganozhi Soap
Hand & Body Lotion
Facial Foam

Ganocelium (GL)

Ganocelium (GL) contains Ganoderma lucidum. It is different from Reishi Gano (RG) that the Ganoderma lucidum used are harvested from a 18-day old Mycelium of Ganoderma lucidum. The mycelium are rich in polysaccharides, adenosine, organic germanium, triterpenes, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. It has excellent effect in improving the general well-being.

Reishi Gano (RG)

Reishi Gano (RG) is a kind of mushroom essence (Ganoderma lucidum) containing polysaccharide, adenosine, triterpenoids, protein and fibre.The Ganoderma lucidum used are harvested from a 90-day old red mushroom. Daily intake of Reishi Gano (RG) assists in the maintenance of general well-being.


Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae rich in protein, beta carotene, chlorophyll, anti-oxidant, minerals and other essential nutrients that our body need. It is different from most other algaes as it is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Besides,it is well-known as one of the best alkaline food,which helps to change weak acidic body condition to a healthy alkaline one.


Morinzhi is specially formulated from Morinda Citrifolia, which is commonly found in the tropics. This plant has been used by the tropical people to promote health. Morinzhi is free from preservatives, sugar, artificial colours and flavours. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is hygienically packed under stringent conditions to ensure that you can savour all its natural goodness.


Cocozhi is formulated with Ganoderma extract and the finest Cocoa. Cocozhi is instant powder with an excellent chocolate taste and mild vanilla flavour. Cocozhi offers the benefit of Ganoderma with an excellent cocoa aroma . Just mix Cocozhi in a cup of hot water or milk and you are ready to enjoy an excellent refreshing health drink. Cocozhi also tastes delicious even when served chilled . Cocozhi is suitable for the whole family.



Lingzhi Beverage -2 in 1

DXN Lingzhi Beverage 2-In-1 contains Ganoderma extract. The ingredients are easily dissolved to produce a very strong aroma of excellent Beverage. One cup of DXN Lingzhi Beverage 2-In-1 freshens your mood

Lingzhi Beverage -3 in 1

Dxn Lingzhi Beverage 3-In-1 beverage is specially blended with coffee beans of the finest quality and Ganoderma extract with no artificial colouring and preservatives. Working pressure and hectic lifestyle nowadays make people feel stressful easily. Lingzhi Beverage 3-In-1 is sure to be your everyday coffee break beverage. The convenient pack of DXN Lingzhi beverage enables you to enjoy the unique flavour at any time and any place you like.

Lingzhi Black Beverage

DXN Lingzhi Black Beverage 2-In-1, Contains instant coffee of the finest quality and Ganoderma extract. Lingzhi Black Beverage, without sugar is perfectly suited for the health-conscious people. DXN Lingzhi Black Beverage 2-In-1 gives you the satisfying taste of a real coffee. It is the most ideal beverage for serving the guests.

Aloe V Facial Cleansing Foam

The Aloe V facial cleansing Foam is a mild yet effective formulation with Aloevera. It gently cleanses the delicate skin of the face without causing any harm to the natural protective oils or altering its delicate PH balance. Suitable for all skin types.

Aloe V Hand and body lotion

Aloe V Hand and body lotion is a rich creamy lotion contains natural goodness of Aloe vera. Easily absorbed by skin, this non-greasy formulation maintains elasticity of the skin and nourishes skin to leave it soft, smooth, supple and glowing with health.

Chubby Baby Oil

Brief Discription :
Wheat Germ Extract
Horse Tail Herb Extract
Sunflower Seed

Protects, Maintains & Nourishes Moisturizes, Softens & Smoothens
Prevents Skin Chapping

Gano Oil

Gano Massage Oil contains the finest Ganoderma extract in palm oil suited for every massage need. It is all-natural and rich in anti-oxidants. Best for all skin types and for all ages. For a revolutionary way to perk up every massage encounter, use Gano Massage Oil.

Ganozhi Shampoo

DXN Ganozhi Shampoo is a mild and gentle formulation with a perfect pH Balance. Ideally suited for all hair types. It is enriched with Ganoderma Extract and Vitamin B5. DXN Ganozhi Shampoo makes your hair manageble, silky, soft, smooth, healthy, fragrant and shining all day .

Ganozhi™ Skin Care Series

Simple steps to endless beauty™

Skin is the largest organ in our body. It acts as a barrier that surrounds and protects our body from various harmful elements in the environment. Truly beautiful skin starts from deep within you and has a great deal to do with balanced diet, good digestion, sound hormone level and choosing the right skin care for your skin.

DXN proudly introduces Ganozhi™ Complete Skin Care Series, a botanical skin care formulation, to fulfill your daily basic skin care needs. It is suitable for all skin types.

Ganozhi™ Liquid Cleanser 150 ml
A gentle yet effective cleanser for a swift cleansing action. It is formulated with precious Ganoderma extract, Fagus sylvatica extract, yeast and panthenol. It cleanses your skin deep into the pores, leaving your skin clean and refreshed.

Ganozhi™ Toner 150 ml
An effective toner formulated to minimize skin pores while leaving your skin soft and hydrate. Formulated with premium quality Ganoderma extract, Fagus sylvatica extract, allantoin and propolis cera, Ganozhi™ Toner balances your skin pH and prepares your skin for the following essential step- moisturize your skin.

Ganozhi™ Moisturizing Micro Emulsion 50 ml
A renovated moisturizer designed to hydrate and nourish your skin. It is empowered by the latest technology (i.e. nanotechnology), which helps to maximize the absorption of ingredients of Ganozhi™ Moisturizing Micro Emulsion. Designed with nano-sized molecules, it penetrates into your skin faster and effectively.
Ganozhi™ Moisturizing Micro Emulsion gathers the goodness of the Ganoderma extract, Fagus sylvatica extract, ginseng extract, arnica extract and Vitamin E, leaving your skin smooth and radiant all day long.

Ganozhi Soap

Ganozhi Soap is specially formulated and enriched with Ganoderma extract in palm oil. It is rich in Vitamin E and anti-oxidants. It gently cleanses the skin while preserving its natural oils without damaging the skin structure. It gives your skin a soft and silky feeling and keeps it always young.

Ganozhi Talcum Powder

DXN Talcum Powder gives you a smooth and comfortable feeling all day long, relieve discomfort from prickly heat and minor skin irritation.
It is also luxuriously scented to give you a pleasant smell and confidence wherever you are.

Cuts down on skin friction
Fine Absorbent
Protects Skin from Prickly Heat
Prevents Skin Irritation

Ganozhi Toothpaste

DXN Ganozhi Toothpaste contains high quality ganoderma, food gel,menthol and food flavouring. It does not contain fluoride, saccharin and artificial colouring. It cleanses your teeth,leave your mouth with a pleasant smell and makes your teeth brighter and gums healthier.

Tea Tree Cream

Tea Tree Cream contains pure Tea Tree Oil which protects the skin & helps in maintaining its hygiene. The broad spectrum antimicrobial properties of Tea Tree oil relieves skin discomfort effects, gives a soothing feeling & bears a pleasant fragrance.